[SPOILER ALERT: The following paragraph(s) contain spoilers on the storyline of the series up to Season 1, Episode Episode 18, “Laryngitis” of Glee.]
Glee is probably now the most successful new show of the last television season for multiple reasons. First, it’s immensely different than most shows. Second, it’s a genre-blending mix of emotions. Third, everyone loves a good cover track.
Whether you like the show or not, I don’t think you can safely deny the fact that it is certainly starting to become way too preachy. The last episode, “Laryngitis,” was all about being true to you and who you are and all that fun stuff we’ve been told by Nick Jr. for the last 20 years. In addition, this whole “Kurt being a victim” thing has to end, immediately. It’s great that the media as a whole is accepting homosexuality and other used-to-be taboo topics, but Glee is starting to push how much anyone really cares about it. Gay or not, Kurt is a great character with a great voice, and Chris Colfer (the actor who plays him) is excellent; the story about his dad accepting him as being gay is just too much. From the get-go, his dad was very accepting and even moreso than most real-life parents are. So why does Kurt keep playing the victim? If anything, Kurt is a villain. He takes his “straight crush” on Finn to the next level by creepily matchmaking his own father with Finn’s mother (both of which are single due to a dead spouse) so he and Finn can be closer to eachother. Inevitably, this blows up in his face, making him extremely jealous of this new found bond between his father and Finn.
This last episode wasn’t “bad,” per-say, but it definitely isn’t the best choice to show someone who’s never seen the show before. The side-story that quickly started and ended in the most hastily paced side-story of all time about Puck’s using of Mercedes to reclaim his popularity served as merely an excuse for the two to have a duet, fill some Fox time, and place Mercedes back in her lowly Glee Club spot. Cheap. Oh and let’s not forget the quadriplegic who reminds Rachel that there’s more to life than just her singing. Again, this was a side-story that started and ended almost too fast, and you can probably bet you’ll never be seeing the bed-ridden football player again… or at least not any time soon.
So, here’s to tonight’s episode bringing back the Glee in my heart for the series. What do you think about the last “Glee?”