What's better than putting two hot celebrities, both physically and popularly, together on the big screen during Summer blockbuster season? Have them get married and let hilarity ensue. The victims of such a shameful movie pitch: Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds.
But do they at least keep the marriage wagon rolling? Or does their love boat plunge into the depths of the abyss?
Well, thank the acting gods for Reynolds' charm and Bullock's cuteness.
The Proposal is a film about as deep as the surface of an above ground pool relative to sea levels...its not deep at all. Then again, what do we, as the unsuspecting movie public, come to expect from a romantic comedy starring two of the biggest stars in Hollywood? Andrew Paxton (Reynolds) is a journalist and assistant to his editing manager Margaret Tate (Bullock), whom everyone in the office hates with a fiery passion. One day, however, Tate discovers that her visa application didn't go through as planned, and is being deported back to her homeland of Canada. In a last minute, desperate effort to stay in the country and keep her esteemed job, she blackmails Paxton into faux-marrying her, to which he has almost no choice but to say "yes." That same weekend, though, Paxton's grandmother is celebrating her 90th birthday, so Paxton and Tate both have to live with eachother for a weekend up in Paxton's native Alaska with his family and bare the good news to everyone.
Hilarious, right? Well, that's just about the entire storyline right there, leading up to the ending...you know, the whole "So do they get married or not? Does the family find out?" scenario. Luckily enough, "The Proposal" isn't a bad film. While its not the most thought-out or heavily developed movie, its still charming, charismatic, and entertaining and provides fun, gimmicky flare all around.
"The Proposal" certainly passes the test of awkward comedy with flying colors...if the slapstick and cutesy interaction between Bullock and Reynolds don't tickle your funny bone, then the situations they're constantly thrust into will. The connection between the two leading roles will certainly hold your interest because you just won't be able to look away. In fact, even though Bullock plays the office-boss bitch, you'll probably find yourself rooting for them to get together in the end. And why not? They're both funny in their own ways and mesh perfectly together. Specifically, Bullock's lovable yet scathing portrayal of the uptight, mean manager will win you over, especially by the end. If you don't already like Ryan Reynolds, then he might just win you over in "The Proposal," albeit not his best work.
It stands as a fun, light, comedic romance, but there's just a few useless ingredients mixed into this subtly sweet apple pie. For example, the role between Paxton and his father provides no insight into either character nor their relationship, and its never explained why they're the way they are. This interaction could have easily been much more entertaining, but it falls as derivative and distracting. Same goes for the Paxton family name, showing them as a wealthy family business which doesn't account for any integral part of the storyline.
At his core, Paxton is a pretty 2D character besides some slight nuances. Tate, however, evolves slowly throughout the film at a nice pace. What doesn't change at a nice pace, however, is the relationship between the two. While its fun to laugh at their high jinks on-screen together, its almost completely sudden when any shift in their relationship takes place. It would have been more engaging to actually feel when they started being angry or complacent with each other rather than just see it happen at one moment.
And, well, as a whole its a bit difficult to really critique "The Proposal" for more than what it is: just a romantic comedy. Ultimately forgettable, but temporarily lovable. Also, kudos for having Betty White play the grandmother.
-Kyle Shelton
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